Este es un Blog que habla sobre mis vivencias personales, además de presentar artículos y opiniones personales sobre temas de la automoción y todo lo que me pete comentar. FANSI = Fenomeno Andante No Sexualmente Identificado

lunes, febrero 27, 2006

tuning de barrio (ricing)

Os recomiendo ver este link, es buenísimo

Un ejemplo:
[Ricer: from the latin word Ricarius meaning to suck at everything you attempt]

A person who makes unecessary modifications to their economy sedan (mostly import cars from japan hence the term "rice") to make it (mostly make it look) faster. The most common modifications are

  • Huge exhaust that serves no purpose but to make the car louder
  • Large spoiler on the back that looks like something Boeing made for the 747
  • Lots of after-market company stickers they saw on cars in the Fast & Furious
  • Cold Air Intake- a tube that feeds cold air to their high performance hamsters.

  • Most of these riced cars (a.k.a. rice rockets or rice burners) are imports; Honda Civics, Accords, Integras, Mitsubishi Eclipses, Toyota Camrys, Corollas, however there are some domestics such as Chevrolet Caviliers, Dodge Neons, Ford Focus; small, slow, economy cars designed specifically to go slow. Please note that there are many high performance import cars as well that are designed to go fast that are often mislabeled as "rice". Such cars as supras, skylines, wrx', NSX, Evo IV, etc.. fall into this category. Unfortunately, in today's world cars like this still must be handled on a case-by-case basis.
    The ricer attempts to make their car "performance" by adding the modifications listed above. These ricers are not confined to any one ethnic group or color, however different ethnic groups are known for certain styles. (example: mexican=mini trucks; african americans=escalades; etc..) These crackers are also known to talk a lot of shit about their cars too. The best place to see a ricer is in his native habitat, any mall parking lot.
    Here are the three main areas you need to visit in order to understand the true art of rice and other car types all the way:


    Blogger Jordi said...

    I'll go to check your blog now!

    thanks for visiting

    1:27 a. m.


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